Helping abuse victims transition to healthy, independent thriving lives
In the United States, one in five women will be abused, have been abused or are in an an abusive relationship, and that is the reported number. It is much higher as the abused often suffer in silence. If they have children, the statistics show because of their familiarity of this lifestyle, the children will become a victim or will become a perpetrator. We believe all people deserve to be respected, we must put an end to this insidious crime on our society.
Angel Haven is a supportive sanctuary, providing whole body, mind, emotion and spirit healing to survivors of domestic violence.
Prospective GUESTS
We see the beautiful woman that you are.
We invite you to rediscover the part of you that was always there, but either has faded away or has been locked away. In this safe sanctuary, we provide the space for you to find her, heal her, feel loved, confident, strong, and respected to do whatever you want to do not only because you deserve it, but because it is your destiny.
Won’t you share your heart with women who deserve a second chance. Become a volunteer and/or donate to support this important cause.